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DIY Cactus Terrarium

Hi there.

So today I have this fun and easy DIY for you. I absoluty love to have plants inside the house but not all of the plants survive my loving cats (especially whisky uhum). So to try something new I'm going to show you how to make an awesome plant terrarium using cacti, succulents and an awesome fleamarket find.

Supplies needed:

small cactus plants, succulents, dirt, decoration rocks, terrarium or big wide vase and a small shovel.

First thing first, where did I got my plants? Some of these plants I got from a local market that takes place in Maastricht. Over there I bought my succulents for a cheap price.

Now the cactusses I bought at a big plant store called the Intratuin, also in Maastricht. Over there they have a wide range of different kinds of cacti in all shapes and sizes. I chose a few colored ones to make it look even more fun.

Lets get started!

step 1: Clean out your terrarium or big vase, make sure that the glass will be clean so you can see your own creation.

step 2: Cover the ground with some rocks, it will help with drainige when you water them. Luckily cactus plants and succulents dont need much water, you can water them 1 or 2 times per month.

Step 3: Add a little bit of soil and add your plants on top of it. Then cover them with soil, this will make sure that they wont die and are planted steady.

TIP: Make sure you give the plants some room inbetween.

Step 4: Cover the top of soil with some rocks. I used a light color but you can even use bright colored rocks!

Et voila your terrarium is done! now you can find spot for it in your home or give it as an gift!

Nice try whisky..muwahaha.

Let me know if you liked this DIY and if you tried it!


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